Arizona Residents Irate Over Decision That Will Decimates Their Security And Safety (Video)

By Joshua Wasson | Saturday, 07 January 2023 08:30 PM
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President Joe Biden continues to make enemies of the American people after a lawsuit he filed against the state of Arizona has forced a wall of shipping containers to be removed.

The containers were placed because illegals were pouring into the country and risking lives. But Biden wanted them removed so his open border policy could take effect.

Yuma, Arizona, is a place of interest as farmers watched with disappointment as each container was removed. Fox News quoted Pasquinelli Produce Company President Alex Muller, “It was working. It wasn’t bothering the farmers. It wasn’t bothering anybody that lives on the border because it doesn’t affect them. And they’re gone. In one day.”

Governor Doug Ducey had ordered the containers to be used to fill the gap in the wall that Biden stopped from being built. But wacky environmentalists and the president pressured the state to remove the containers.

Claims were being made that the containers were hurting the land. But all the containers did was plug a hole and keep illegals from sneaking into the country.


Hank Auza is a farmer in the region. Fox News reported that he stated, “It helped funnel the people to a certain location to where then the Border Patrol could manage them easier.”

President Biden believes that illegals should be given priority over American citizens. He wants the border to be open so they can enter the United States.


Auza also mentioned, “This administration, to me, it seems like they want this to happen. And for what reason? I do not know.” Biden has never revealed why he wants the border open. The only thing people can think of is that he wants the illegals in the country so liberals can grant them citizenship and earn their respect as future voters.