A Mad House: Hotel Workers Detail Horrendous Conditions Of Temporary Migrant Housing

By Joshua Wasson | Saturday, 14 January 2023 07:25 PM
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Liberals running New York City have hidden the truth about migrants and the manner of their care.

A whistleblower said that illegals get housed in hotels where they can trash the place and live the high life on taxpayer money.

Felipe Rodriguez is the whistleblower who brought the truth to the public’s attention. He stated that “The chaos that we see at the Row today is [caused] by migrants being drunk, drinking all day, smoking marijuana [and] consuming drugs.”

The illegals are typically drunk and get away with taking illegal drugs. They sleep in the hotel rooms and trash them, expecting the motel staff to clean up their messes.

Rodriguez also stated that he had seen upscale food tossed in the trash because the illegals did not want the delicacies served. They turn their noses up at the food people have sacrificed to bring them to eat.


Fox News reported that “More than 36,400 migrants have come to New York City in the last few months and have [been] housed at just 14 hotels, according to Rodriguez.”

He pointed out, “The form [in which] they keep their rooms is horrendous. They don’t clean it. They don’t fold their clothes. They’re hoarding clothes, and they’re hoarding whatever they can hoard.”


The illegals do not have any respect for the privilege of being in America. They want to live a lazy life at the expense of the American people. And their behavior proves that they are not fleeing violence or even seeking asylum.

The whistleblower also pointed out, “There was a lot of stuff that I had to be responsible [for]. Fortunately for the migrants, they got the government of the United States to hand them carte blanche [to pretty much] do as they wish. They go in and out of the hotel at will.”