Transgender Trend Spreads Like Wildfire In New Jersey Schools, Raises Alarming Questions

By Jean Robor | Saturday, 01 July 2023 03:00 PM
Views 8.2K

What’s up with New Jersey students identifying as non-binary? According to Hot Air, public school enrollment in the 2019-2020 school year showed that 16 students self-identified as non-binary.

This year the number increased to 675, prompting the question of whether this is a social contagion due to the 4000% increase within as little as four years.

Of the children declaring themselves non-binary, 41 are elementary school-aged, which is concerning. Too young to have entered puberty, they are already being influenced by the trans pipeline, according to Hot Air. It’s unlikely they came up with their nonbinary ideas on their own.

According to the Post Millenial, “For those who haven’t been following the story thus far, this brief bit of mathematical analysis is one of the clearest bits of evidence of a true social contagion that we’re likely to see.”

If you think this only happens in New Jersey, think again. Across the United States, similar enrollment changes prove true for the upcoming school year. For instance, in Montgomery County, Maryland, students identifying as nonbinary rose 582% during the same time period.


A study conducted by UCLA’s Williams Institute found that over a year ago, the increase in "transgenderism" was rapid. It also found that 1.3 million adults and 300,000 teenagers identify as transgender. According to percentages, those figures translate to .05% of adults as opposed to 1.4% of teens.


The data suggests that since there is 1.4% of teens but only .05% of nonbinary adults, gender dysphoria is not permanent. Given time, some will grow out of it.

With so much at stake, parents should stay informed of what is happening in their children’s lives and schools. Unfortunately, New Jersey is working toward banning parents from being informed that their children are experiencing gender issues. Parents should participate in school board meetings and on school boards to get their voices heard, and ensure their children are protected.