Absolute DISGRACE: North Korea EXECUTES 22-Year-Old Man For Doing THIS...

By Alan Hume | Friday, 28 June 2024 11:59 PM
Views 8.2K

In a chilling demonstration of its relentless crackdown on foreign culture, North Korea has reportedly executed a 22-year-old man for the "crime" of listening to and sharing K-pop music, according to a human rights report released by South Korea and reported by the Daily Mail.

This brutal act is part of Pyongyang's ongoing campaign to suppress any influence from the West and its allies, a campaign that has only intensified under the rule of Kim Jong-un.

The report, published by South Korea's unification ministry, details the young man's public execution in South Hwanghae province in 2022. His transgressions? Listening to 70 South Korean songs, watching three films, and distributing them - a bold act of defiance against the totalitarian regime's laws prohibiting Western culture. This report, which draws on testimonies from nearly 650 North Korean defectors, underscores the regime's relentless efforts to control the flow of outside information, categorizing it as non-socialist culture.

The ban on K-pop is merely one facet of the regime's ruthless campaign to shield North Koreans from what it perceives as the 'malign' influence of the West. This campaign, initiated under former leader Kim Jong-il, has seen a significant escalation under his son Kim Jong-un's rule. According to Radio Free Asia, funded by the US government, the regime is also cracking down on 'capitalist' fashion and hairstyles, targeting skinny jeans, T-shirts bearing foreign words, and dyed or long hair.


The report also highlights other practices that can lead to punishment in North Korea. These include brides wearing white dresses, women wearing shorts, wearing sunglasses, and drinking alcohol from wine glasses - customs associated with South Korea. Experts suggest that the infiltration of South Korean popular culture into the North could potentially undermine its extremist ideology.


However, despite North Korea's draconian measures, the influence of South Korean and Western culture appears to be an unstoppable force. 38 North, a website dedicated to providing analyses on North Korea, reports that North Korean citizens have more options than ever before to consume outside information and media. Previously limited to modified radios and television sets, they now have access to movies on DVDs and USBs, and can also access them through computers and smartphones. This has forced government officials to upgrade their methods of control.


The Guardian quotes a North Korean defector saying, "the speed of South Korean culture influencing North Korea is seriously fast. Young people follow and copy South Korean culture, and they really love anything South Korean."

In a bizarre act of retaliation, North Korea has recently been dropping balloons filled with feces and trash onto South Korea. This is in response to propaganda leaflets scattered over the communist regime by North Korean defectors, who have also reportedly sent USB memory sticks containing Korean pop music and videos, which are strictly prohibited in North Korea. This ongoing cultural warfare underscores the regime's desperate attempts to maintain control over its citizens, even as the allure of foreign culture continues to seep into the hermit kingdom.