Democrats FURIOUS Over THESE Trump Debate Comments

By Jennifer Wentworth | Tuesday, 02 July 2024 09:30 AM
Views 6.7K
Image Credit : Photo by The New York Times

In the wake of the recent debate, Democrats have been quick to seize upon and distort the words of Donald Trump, a tactic that is becoming all too familiar.

The latest instance of this involves Trump's comments on the impact of immigration on employment opportunities for African Americans, which have reportedly sparked a wave of indignation among Democrats.

According to the Daily Caller, during the debate, Trump stated, “The fact is that his [Joe Biden’s] big kill on the black people is the millions of people that he’s allowed to come in through the border. They’re taking black jobs now.” This comment has been met with widespread criticism from Democrats, including Stacy Abrams, Rep. Raphael Warnock, and DNC Chair Jaime Harrison.

Derrick Johnson, President and CEO of the NAACP, responded to Trump's statement by saying, “There is no such thing as a Black job. That misinformed characterization is a denial of the ubiquity of Black talent. We are doctors, lawyers, school teachers, police officers and firefighters. The list goes on.” Johnson's response, along with those of other Democrats, suggests that Trump was implying a certain type of job is inherently "black," thereby perpetuating a stereotype of African Americans being confined to lower-class or manual labor jobs.


However, a closer examination of Trump's words reveals a different intent. Initially, Democrats accused him of racism for allegedly not caring about African Americans. Now, they are accusing him of being doubly racist for expressing concern about the loss of jobs among African Americans. What Trump was clearly referring to was the negative impact of illegal immigration, facilitated by the Biden administration, on job opportunities for all Americans, including African Americans. Any other interpretation seems to be a deliberate misreading of his words.


The Democrats' reaction to Trump's comments raises questions about their stance on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. If they truly reject the concept of a "black job," then logically, there should be no need for DEI initiatives that focus on specific demographic groups.