Locked Away: Pennsylvania’s GENIUS Attempt To Fix Education

By Javier Sanchez | Sunday, 30 June 2024 04:30 PM
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Image Credit : Key Media

In a pioneering move, Pennsylvania has become the first state to trial a program aimed at curbing student distraction by locking away their cellphones during school hours.

The initiative, sponsored by Republican Senator Ryan Aument, is driven by concerns over the detrimental impact of smartphones on students' learning and mental health.

As reported by the Daily Mail, the Pennsylvania Senate Education Committee has given the green light to a pilot grant program. This program will equip selected schools with secure, lockable bags designed to store students' cellphones until the end of the school day. The grant will also provide education staff with lockers for storing smartphones.

The proposed legislation includes a performance review of the cellphone storage plan, tracking academic achievement and students' mental health over a two-year period to gauge the program's effectiveness. Senator Aument expressed his belief in the importance of this initiative, stating, "I can't think of another issue I've worked on in the 14 years I've been here that's resonated quite like this has." He added, "I just think it's critically important that we free our kids from these devices for six and a half hours during the school day and the response we've gotten from parents and the response we've gotten from educators has been overwhelmingly positive."


Aument also pointed to compelling data and research that indicate a decline in student mental health, academic performance, and physical health, with strong evidence of a direct correlation with the rise of smartphone and social media access among adolescents. The Pew Research Center reported that the average teen spent about three and a half hours a day on social media in 2023.


High school teacher Justin Neideigh has observed positive effects when students' cellphone use is limited. He noted the presence of "bullying, cyber bullying, sexting, all these TikTok trends" in classrooms, which were previously absent.

The bill requires the School Safety and Security Committee of the Pennsylvania Crime and Delinquency Commission to allocate funds to schools participating in the program. Following a mandatory performance review two years later, the committee will prepare a report for the governor and General Assembly, who will then decide whether to expand the program to a wider student population.


The legislation, once reviewed by the full state Senate, could influence the next state budget. This move comes on the heels of US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek H Murthy's call for social media platforms to implement immediate warning labels, akin to those mandated by Congress on cigarette packs in the '60s. He wrote in a New York Times op-ed, "The mental health crisis among young people is an emergency -- and social media has emerged as an important contributor."

This initiative in Pennsylvania could set a precedent for other states grappling with the impact of smartphone use in schools, and the broader issue of adolescent mental health in the digital age.