Ted Cruz Slams FBI Director Christopher Wray For Shielding Left-Wing 'Political Stormtroopers'

Written By BlabberBuzz | Saturday, 15 July 2023 04:30 PM
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Republican Texas Senator Ted Cruz has criticized FBI Director Christopher Wray for what he perceives as a defense of left-wing employees within the bureau.

Speaking on his podcast, "Verdict with Ted Cruz," Cruz expressed his disappointment with Wray's performance during his testimony to the House Judiciary Committee at an oversight hearing.

Cruz did not mince his words, stating, "Well, let me focus less on [FBI Director Chris Wray's] grade before Congress and let me focus more on his grade in the job. And in terms of the job, I'd give [Chris Wray] an F minus because he has utterly failed to correct the rabid partisanship and the deep politicization of the FBI. He has been at the helm when the FBI has behaved like the DNC's political stormtroopers, and it's done enormous damage."

The senator highlighted several incidents that he believes demonstrate the FBI's bias, including a retracted memo from the FBI's Richmond field office that discussed potentially infiltrating Roman Catholic groups. He also mentioned Attorney General Merrick Garland's directive to monitor alleged threats to school board officials and the FBI's raid on pro-life activist Mark Houck's home, which occurred while his wife and children were present.


Cruz's main criticism of Wray is his perceived willingness to defend left-wing extremists within the FBI, even when it contradicts the interests of the American people. "And the problem with Chris Wray is anytime he's given a choice between defending the rabidly partisan left-wing extremists who are in the senior career leadership at the FBI or standing with the American people, he chooses the partisans who are corrupting the FBI," Cruz concluded.